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What is Stretching Surgery (Brachioplasty)? Arm Lift Aesthetics

Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty)

Arm lift surgeryIt is an ideal solution for those who want to have firm and aesthetic arms. Nowadays, sagging and loosening may occur in the arm area due to factors such as advancing age, weight gain or loss, genetic factors and decreased skin elasticity. This situation can negatively affect a person's self-confidence. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate these problems thanks to arm lift surgery.

What is Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgeryIt is also called brachioplasty in the medical literature. This procedure is performed by removing excess fat and skin from the arm area. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, and the surgeon smoothly reshapes the skin and fatty tissues on the inner or outer side of the arm. In this way, the arms gain a firmer, younger and more aesthetic appearance.

Who Can Have Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgeryIt is a suitable option for anyone who is uncomfortable with sagging and loose arm skin. In particular, the following situations may be important reasons to consider arm lift surgery:

  • Aging Effects: With advancing age, skin elasticity decreases. This may cause sagging in the arm area.
  • Weight Changes: After rapid weight gain or loss or obesity, the skin may lose its elasticity and arm sagging may occur.
  • Genetic Factors: Arm sagging may occur due to family history.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Those who are not satisfied with the appearance of their arms may prefer arm lift surgery to obtain a more aesthetic appearance.

How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgeryIt is first planned in detail by a specialist surgeon. Before the surgery, the patient's general health condition is evaluated and a road map is created on how the surgery will be performed.

When the day of surgery comes, the patient is put under local anesthesia and the incisions determined by the surgeon are made. To minimize healing time, incisions are usually made on the inside of the arm or under the armpit, so the scars are less visible.

Next, excess fatty tissue is removed and the skin is stretched and stitched. The surgeon carefully places the stitches to achieve an aesthetic appearance. The procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours, but time may vary depending on the patient's condition.

Different Methods Applied for Arm Lifting


Fat deposits, which stand out with their elastic structure and have accumulated over the years, may now be causing you discomfort. But don't worry, with proper planning and an effective solution, it is possible to have the tight and shaped arms you want.

If you are experiencing problems with the accumulation of fat in your arms and the elasticity of your skin, liposuction method may be one of the first options you should consider. If your skin is still elastic and the problems caused by fat tissue bother you, you can overcome these problems with arm liposuction. This method can tighten your skin while removing excess fat deposits.

However, if you are experiencing more serious problems such as sagging and loss of elasticity in your skin, you need to be careful. If your skin is sagging, you should keep in mind that skin sagging may become more noticeable only after fat removal. Therefore, when skin tightening is required, liposuction can be preferred as a method that supports traditional arm lift surgeries.

Liposuction surgeries offer an effective solution for those who want to shape the body and get rid of excess fat. During this operation, special cannulas are used that leave minimal scars on the body. These small scars become almost invisible over time.


If skin sagging is concentrated in an area close to the armpit, excess fat accumulation in this area can be removed by making a small incision at the armpit fold line and the skin can be tightened. This method can be preferred especially when skin folds occur in areas close to the armpit area and the fatty tissue is not excessive. The scar formed in mini arm lift surgery is placed completely on the armpit fold line and this scar is not visible unless the arm is lifted. Over time, these scars may fade and become almost unnoticeable.


If your skin has sagged excessively in an area extending from the armpit to the elbow and has an almost bat wing-like appearance, the most appropriate solution to correct this situation may be a standard arm lift surgery. In this operation, a full incision is made from the inside, starting from the armpit to the elbow. Through this incision, excess skin and fatty tissue are removed. When you hang your arms down, the resulting scar will be away from your eyes as it will be on the face facing the body.

Arm lift surgery performed in this way is an effective method for correcting excessive sagging skin and fat tissue. After the healing process, this scar will become less noticeable.


The increasing popularity of stomach reduction surgeries has made the extended arm lift procedure a more common option today. After excessive and rapid weight loss, excess skin on the arm may become more noticeable. Therefore, while extended arm lift surgery is similar to the standard arm lift procedure, the incision on the arm is extended to the bra line, allowing the removal of excess fat and skin tissue in this area. Especially such problems are more common in individuals who have experienced excessive weight loss.

Extended arm lift surgeryIt is an effective option for correcting excess skin and fat tissue that occurs after weight loss. Thanks to this method, the skin on the arm is tightened and an aesthetic appearance is achieved. After the application, the scars of the incision gradually diminish with the healing process, allowing patients to easily return to their daily activities.

Post-Surgery Recovery Process

In the postoperative period, care should be taken to rest and comply with the doctor's recommendations. While edema and bruising are normal, the healing process usually takes 2-3 weeks.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, arm lift surgery involves risks. There are risks such as infection, bleeding, wound healing problems and scarring.

Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery

  • A younger and tighter look
  • Aesthetic improvement of arms
  • Increased self-confidence

Other Procedures Performed Along with Arm Lift

Arm lift surgery is usually performed by liposuction or breast aesthetics It can also be done together with other operations such as

Prices of Arm Lift Surgery

Prices of arm lift surgery, may vary depending on several factors. These factors include the patient's personal needs, the scope of the surgery, the techniques used and the condition of the application area. Plastic Surgery Specialist Kiss. Dr. The price of arm lift surgery performed by Hikmet İhsan Eren is determined according to these variables.

Before surgery, patients' individual needs and expectations are evaluated. As a result of this evaluation, the scope and process of the surgery are determined. Kiss. Dr. Hikmet İhsan Eren and his team create the most appropriate treatment plan for their patients and provide detailed information about the cost of the surgery.

Permanence and Long-Term Results of Arm Lift Surgery

Arm lift surgeryIt is a preferred surgical procedure for people who want to achieve a firm and aesthetic appearance. The results of this surgery can be improved with a careful surgical approach and proper care. can maintain its permanence for years. However, it should be noted that the results may change over time due to the influence of certain factors.

In the postoperative period Unless sudden and rapid fluctuations in body weight occur, the results of arm lift surgery can last for many years. The tight and youthful appearance achieved after the surgery provides a smooth skin surface and contours. However, arms continue to age like the body, and skin elasticity may decrease over time. Therefore, regular skin care and a healthy lifestyle are important after surgery.

In the future, the results of arm lift surgery may be affected over time due to the natural aging process of the skin. Decreased skin elasticity may cause skin laxity to occur again. However, this condition will be much milder than the situation before surgery. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after surgery can help keep skin young and firm.

On the other hand, weight gain after surgery is an important factor. If the patient's weight increases significantly and then is lost again, skin laxity may reoccur. Therefore, paying attention to postoperative weight control supports the preservation of results in the long term.

The results of arm lift surgery can remain permanent for many years with appropriate surgical techniques and the patient maintaining a healthy lifestyle afterwards. However, factors such as the aging process and weight changes require consideration of the fact that results may change over time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Arm Lift Surgery

  1. Is the surgery painful? Since the surgery is usually performed under anesthesia, no pain is felt. There may be slight pain during the healing process.
  2. Will there be any scars after the surgery? Scars may fade over time, but may not disappear completely.
  3. When can I return to daily activities? You can usually return to daily activities after 2-3 weeks.